Electricity Aura V2 (Anime Style)
Blend file from my Procedural Anime Style Electricity Aura in Blender Tutorial video
The scene has four sample setups, but many more can be achieved with simple tweaks in the material editor and with the Geometry Node exposed parameters in the Modifiers tab.
Some particular nodes of interest are labeled so that you have an easier way to navigate around and modify the look of the aura so you can use them to customize it however you want! :)
Works well both with static meshed as well as animated ones.
To apply this effect to your own mesh simply create any object and plug the geo nodes modifier into it - then in the settings connect everything as it's down in the sample project and you are ready to go! Create something awesome :)
For best results - don't forget to have an empty object attached in the texture coordinate nodes. Empty should encapsulate your mesh to maintain consistent texture coordinates.
Recommended Blender version - 4.3
If you have trouble setting this up, the tutorial can be found here:
A complete package with setup ready to go!